Sunday, November 6, 2016

Two Necessary (and Free!) Tools for Math, Algebra, and Calculus Students

As you are studying and learning any level of mathematics, two indispensable tools you need are:


Desmos Graphing Utility:

Wolframalpha is the "Google" of the math world, and will solve equations, simplify expressions, graph any equation, and perform just about any Calculus operation. If you buy the iOS or Android app (for a nominal fee) on your device, Wolfram will even show solution steps!

Desmos is the best online graphing utility I have found. One of my students last year turned me on to this site. It is very easy to use, to graph multiple functions, and will even plot derivative functions! Also, Desmos has a FREE app for iOS and Android users, which is just as good as the browser version!

One word about Wolframalpha, students!!!  Do NOT use it to get solutions to your graded assignments! You are only cheating yourself by short-circuiting the learning process. Use it to check answers or to work sample problems!

Let me know what you think of these tools, or if you have any questions about them!


Welcome to My New Site!

Hello Math Students!

I have created this site as a resource page for my students!

I am an engineer who has been involved in education for the past 15 years at both the high school and college level. I teach classes both live in classrooms and in the online environment - and I also do one-on-one tutoring and coaching both in person and online!

Please put my blog in your list of favorite sites and I will regularly update my blog with helpful resources!

Mr. Rich